

Product Inquiries


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작성자 Vasilis Tilaver… 댓글 0건 조회 123회 이메일 btilaver@yahoo.gr 작성일 24-04-26 03:48


Hello. My name is Vasilis Tilaveridis and Iam a dental surgeon. Tomorrow we have a presentation and Iam gonna present  HaeNaem total kit for sinus lift. I have watched your video from youtube and i would like to inform me about the protocol for sinus lift. As I you mention in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7shibhLmzCI&t=45s I realise that one drill before its braking the floor. Could you explain me if we have to put an implant for example 5.1 x 11mm and the distance from sinus is 6mm?


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