

Product Inquiries

S.E. implants

페이지 정보

작성자 Stefano Evangel… 댓글 0건 조회 379회 이메일 stefano.evangelista@hotmail.com 작성일 22-06-26 02:45


Dear company, i m the owner of a Dental Product's company that work with dentists, hospitals, clinics etc.. all over Europe, based in Italy, call S.E. IMPLANTS & MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, you can find us on google. In this period we're serching a professional company to start a collaboration and become a distributor in our country (Exclusive or not) we're interesting in your products  so let me know if we can get more infos about you, an agent price's list with minimun order etc...we would like to start with a first trial order to check the products and then to start to buy monthly
We use to works mainly with implants and prostethics and we want to add bone regenerative solutions to better offer them to our customers..
Waiting for your answer..

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards


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194,Jisan-ro 175beon-gil, Jinwi-myeon, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Tel. 82-31-668-5409 / Fax. 82-31-668-5809 / email. haenaem@haenaemdental.com

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